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Old 06-19-2017, 12:35 PM   #8
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Re: Is there budget friendly 4 speed auto conversion?

Originally Posted by daddyjeep View Post
I am certainly not a transmission expert, but aren't there things that can be done to the 700R4 to make it handle more abuse? What might those things be? I have a K30 that I wouldn't mind getting a 4 speed in as well and I tow about 6K with it.
There are, better planetarys, increased clutch counts, etc etc. By the time you have one of those beefy units built, that may or may not hold up in a one ton, you're at least 2k into it minus converter.

IMO, 4L80E is where it's at, guy's put Transgo kits in the stock unit and proceed to run 9's with them.

Link to Daryl's build,

Link to my Youtube channel with build info,
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