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Old 06-19-2017, 06:27 PM   #6
Dead Parrot
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Re: 73-87 C20 ride much different from newer 2500?

I think a lot of the ride improvement in newer trucks is the seat. Most new ones have bucket seats, which will ride a lot better in most cases then the bench seat that was standard in most squares. I know my 75's ride felt better after I installed some aftermarket bucket seats.

You can also improve the ride by replacing those 30-40 year old spring bushings and do a front steering/suspension overhaul. If your springs have enough sag in them, you might be out of the shock's best operating area.

Your cab mounts are probably fairly hard after 30+ years as compared to the fresh ones in the new truck.

Keep in mind that the squares were the last of the "Pickups are primarily work trucks" thinking and the new ones are designed to be long trip with family friendly.
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