Re: 72 Shortbed C10
Update, I've done absolutely no work on this thing whatsoever, but I've driven it a bunch, and love every minute.
Some new things on the to do list, roughly in order of importance;
1: The "slight front end roll" I described above I've upgraded to "actually quite bad all around floppyness", and I'm thinking the standard height monroe shocks which were apparently installed in ~2010 have probably suffered at the lowered ride height, and are probably just old... I've identified the springs as Belltech 2/4, so I'll order the Belltech shocks that match when I think i'll have time to do something with them. I'd still love to throw in a later model front sway bar, and probbaly get all the bushes etc. replaced too
2: Brakes:
The front brakes pull up well enough, but pretty sure they're warped.. Would like to replace the pads/rotors and probably get the calipers rebuilt (because I have no idea if thats ever happened)... Are there upgraded components I should aim for when doing this?
The rear brakes seem to lock up relatively easily, especilaly when the road is just a bit greasy from some light rain... and pretty much all we get here is light rain... I had the back end try to overtake me while exiting the interstate a few weeks back, and it took a lot of focus and swearing to pull it up while keeping it off the concrete wall. I'm aware this is common in an unladen truck, but this seems particularly bad. I'm sure the crapped out shocks aren't helping the situation, but if replacing them doesn't fix it I'll have to dig deeper.
3: Stuck in traffic in the rain last week I noticed a very light trickle of water coming in about 3-4 inches from the top of the A pillar on the drivers side. From searching around, potential causes are the windscreen seal, and water wicking in from the drip rails if the seam sealer is cracked/worn (which it is).. Anywhere else I should investigate?
4: Gauges:
Speedo is off (75 on the dial = 65 in real life) which is likely a speedo gear mismatch with the 3.7 diff gears
Oil pressure guage seems to have 4 positions - Engine Off (0%), Idling when engine is cool-warm (which is about 75%), Idling when engine is hot (about 50%), and cruise (100%)... Is this normal? if not, does it sound like an actual engine issue, or a sensor issue, or something else?
Temp Guage seems to have its full range of motion in the first 20% - I sat in really terrible traffic yesterday afternoon, and it was starting to smell like it was running hot, but the needle just sat solid at 20%, and dropped a bit when I got moving again... Again, normal? Not normal?
5: Throttle cable is too long (linkages moved when a previous owner fitted the new carb, but stock cable retained), so pedal to the floor still leaves about 15% movement remaining in the throttle linkage on the carb. So not only is that robbing me of some top end, but I'm also blaming that for the dead spot/hesitation when I floor it from a cruising speed because the accel pump isn't being hit, and I'm blaming it for the fact that I can't activate the choke using the pedal, I have to open the throttle by hand... I'm not really sure how to fix that right now - its too much slack to take up on the adjustment at the carb.. I've seen people use cable ties to take up the slack at the pedal end, but that feels a bit half arsed.
6: It has reproduction sport mirrors on it, and on the passenger side I can't move it in or down far enough for my liking because it hits the arm/mount... I've seen some others on here illude to the same problem, but I haven't seen a solution it.. anyone?
7: I'd love to get on powertour next year, but I need to get confident working on it before I commit to a 5000+ mile round trip... And I'd really like to have an overdrive transmission fitted.. I'll probably have the funds for that in a few months, anyone recommend a shop within an hour or so of Seattle for a 200 4r swap?
Aside from all that, it brings me a tonne of joy.. Just looking at it in the garage, or getting the occasional wave from someone else in an old car in traffic. Still looking forward to meeting some of you.. I'd hoped to be at the Monroe swap meet, but the entire week prior I'd been interstate for work leaving my wife at home with our (then) 3 month old so I couldn't really sneak out.