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Old 06-23-2017, 05:39 PM   #9
Dead Parrot
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Re: Edelbrock Carb on 454 Help

After checking the choke, PVC and verifying no vacuum leaks, consider installing a rebuild kit. Also research the best jets, rods and springs for your engine and application. Pickup a couple of cans of carb cleaner to give the carb a good cleaning. Some local box stores carry the rebuild kit. I got mine from O'Reillys.

Make sure you have a 7/16" twist drill bit or 7/16" round metal stock. Used during setting float levels. Most of the time, the float levels out of the box are wrong and make it easier for the carb to flood.

If you have an old style vacuum gauge, they often have a fuel pressure range as well. If your fuel pressure isn't too bad, see if setting the float levels fixes the flooding problem.

While you have it open, see what jets, metering rods and springs are installed. If they are a ways off from what your research indicated for your application, order the proper parts + a new airhorn gasket(in case you mess the one on the carb up changing the jets.) If your only changes are rods and/or springs, you won't need the new gasket. I was able to get some new rods overnight from O'Reillys so if you can wait for the new parts to arrive before assembling your carb, you can skip the new gasket.
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