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Old 06-24-2017, 06:54 PM   #16
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Re: low steering pressure

Alright here is the end to this fiasco.
I got in my adapter piece from Amazon:
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Then I attached everything back up as such:
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But then I immediately had an issue. The problem was this adapter makes use of o-rings to seal whereas the original type makes use of compression.
Attaching my factory hose to the adapter piece never fully sealed the hose therefore it leaked quite well.
So then I went looking for solutions.
From another thread I found that the adapter fitting #1446 from Napa is made to fix this issue. So I went to napa and the guy didn't even bother trying help me so then went to carquest.
There the guy took a new hose for a 72, cut off the pump side compression fitting as well as the new o-ring type from the adapter piece I got in from Amazon and soldered the new fitting to the original type hose.
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A little bit of bending later and I was able to get it all back together.
Most importantly, my power steering works again!

I would like to say a big thanks to everyone who helped me out on this one! I had never seen the stupid EVO thing before, but I understand why they aren't used anymore.
Supposively this motor was from an 02 4wd k2500 suburban. I do not know if those things have these valves on them from factory but that's what the ecu said.
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