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Old 06-26-2017, 07:27 PM   #1
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1972 C30 Chevy dual wheel dump

Hi. I have had my 1972 Chevy dump for going on 23 years. Took it for inspection ( I live in Pennsylvania ) need brakes and rotors . Can't seam to find any . At local Napa only thing that matched up were 1974 rotors but had to much meat for the calibers so today had 1 turned down so pads would fit ( they took off about a 1/8" on both sides ) the guy told me that there was going to be a off set and there was. Anybody have a good set that would fit or a old parts book that might have a old number I can cross ? My second option would be to change spindals but would need to change caliper brackets also . I still use this truck for my llandscaping business. Over the years I have changed rear end, front and back springs I even put a 350 crate engine in it about two years ago.any help you guys can give me I would appreciate. Thanks Mags
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