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Old 05-27-2002, 11:09 AM   #1
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Thumbs up Mareitta Pics...

Well fella's the group pic didn't come out for some reason. I guess my buddy didn't get it right. Here's what did come out.

That's Kingparts tent. King is under the tent, from left to right, the guy I was there with, Shooter, and PanelDeland. The white panel in the pic is his. Great guys, wish I could have stayed around longer fella's...

Very nice Stude!

Sweet 48ish Chevy.

By the time I got to the show (Sunday) a lot of folks were packing it up. Again, thanks for coming out guys, nice meeting you all!
68 SWB
The Surgeon General doesn't say anything about smoking a Ford!!!
Would rather be ran over repeatedly by a Chevy than drive a Ford!!!

Paralyzed from the neck up and confined to a hat!

Kathleen, Georgia USA
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