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Old 07-04-2017, 10:44 AM   #12
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Re: Water Pump Gasket Sealant

Gaskets are used to fill imperfections between two parts. If the two surfaces are machined perfectly flat, no gasket would be necessary as there is no space between them for any fluid to travel. It is obviously cheaper for a manufacturer to use gaskets than it is to ensure every mounting surface is machined sufficiently flat to inhibit leakage. This was Harley's problem in the AMF years; Quality Control was so bad that the two bottom (crankshaft) case halves would leak at their mating seams.

With that being said: I only use Permatex, Indian Head, or any other sealant on a gasket when I really want to scrape and fight to get it back off later. A very small dab on a front-face / vertical gasket to hold in place while I align other parts maybe, or at the adjoining areas of the multiple-piece intake manifold or oil pan gaskets, but if you have to use glue and a gasket, something is wrong.

Alternatively, and very much like Mike's use of wheel bearing grease, coat both sides of your gaskets with anti-seize. They won't leak and they'll lift right off after years of use... no scraping required. Also coat the radiator and thermostat water necks with the same stuff before installing/re-installing hoses to prevent them from baking on over time.

Last edited by BigJackDaddy; 07-04-2017 at 10:55 AM.
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