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Old 04-12-2004, 02:40 PM   #23
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I just got off the phone with Mark Hamilton of Mad Electrical -- what a NICE guy!

Re: The 30 amp circuit breaker ... he doesn't use them because they do become faulty and he's seen cars burn up in flames from old ones, etc., etc. ... he uses 18 gauge fusible links, he says, because they LAST for years and do the job well; they save your vehicle and protect all the important stuff from getting fried, and the ONLY time they fry up and need to be replaced is when something REALLY IMPORTANT needs attention -- like a bad short somewhere. Mark says, when a fusible link goes, you need to find out the cause -- what made it fry -- and it's usually a freyed wire that's shorting out; something that needs serious attention.

THAT, along with me having a bad (brand new) 30 amp circuit breaker that I didn't trust to begin with, convinces me that the fusible link is the way to go.

Most guys don't want the hassle of having to repair a fusible link, but what does it take to keep a small spare length of 18 gauge wire and some connectors in your ride, and as Mark points out, you're not ever going to have to repair a fusible link unless there's something terrible happening that you wouldn't want a breaker or fuse "masking" your attention from.

Makes sense to me.

I bought all kinds of stuff! About $175.00 worth! But I got relays for my headlights, relays for my electric fan, a couple of his books about wiring, a kit to wire up my 3-wire 12si alternator the "right" way, a bunch of connectors, shrinkable tubing, fusible links, 10 feet of his 8 gauge "Tuff Wire"and two terminal boxes.

Hey - I spent 10 days rewiring my truck with the EZ-Wire kit ... now I'm augmenting all that from the battery to everything under the hood and making that job 100% instead of 85%.
Alan Horvath
54 Chevy Pickup
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