Re: Locker or limited slip?
Originally Posted by clinebarger
This is like asking if I prefer Blonds, Brunettes, Or Red Heads.....
Only if their names are "Chevy" and are old enough to remember Vietnam...
Re: Locker or LS? Unless your racing I wouldn't even consider a locker. They will tear up more sh%t than they will get you out of. That leaves one other option, the "Limited Slip"...Which one? Well there is only one and many upgrades and variants of that one. It has withstood the tests of time and is still knocking off the complex electric, mechanical and air lockers. Call me old school but the Eaton Positraction unit is the only tuneable and rebuildable unit out there. The Eaton Posi is the Energizer Bunny of the LS options out there.
Michael of the clan Hill,
"Two Seventy Two's"
71 1-ton Dually 350 4-Speed
71 C/50 Grain Truck, 350 Split-Axle 4-Speed
02 3/4 ton Express
14 Indian Chief Vintage
1952 Ford 8N, "Only Ford Allowed On The Property" 
"Be American, Buy American"