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Old 07-13-2017, 11:33 AM   #18
Snake Eyes USA
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Re: What truck do I have? For the Chevy Gods, Historians and Know it alls

Ok. Now I seem to be getting somewhere. Thanks fellas and Bruce for leading me into a right direction.

From my findings I believe the truck is a 70 C1500?
Now before I go further with my findings. I saw on the web same truck but called C1000. Is there any difference between 1000 and 1500? Both stated 1/2 ton trucks. One guy said 1000 may have meant short bed and 1500 meant long bed. Which I found hard to believe. Any clarification?

Back to the subject at hand. The two following pics. are of the vin. plate on door frame panel. The 2nd pic. is the number on the side of the frame which is, "393 801 -466 and 8 5 25 right below it. What do they mean?
I started to get frustrated because this number did not match anything. So I look at Bruces pic. on where to find partial on frame. Diagram said top rail of frame. How was I going to check this with the truck sitting on top? Well I got all border agent. I went under the truck and ran my fingers down the top rail to feel for a stamp. I found the stamp and took a mirror and flash light to read the numbers. The number read, "1 506o". If Im correct and you guys can verify. The 506 matches the vin. plate on door frame.
So do I have a 70 GMC C1500 converted to 71-72 Cheyenne 10 Super?

If anybody has questions or wants pics. of other parts of the truck let me know.
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