Before importing the truck we checked with state, fed. and border agencies on all requirements. But I also know I live in Commiefornia. Land of screwing the people over for $. It was 4k just to import from Canada to my front door in an enclosed carrier. We are praying everything will go smoothly when we go to DMV. Plus we made copies of the responses from said agencies. If vin was removed which I cant confirm and will ask. Was done for the paint job possibly. We do have the Canadian registration paperwork. Top rail of frame seem to match vin. on door. Will check other location of partial vin on frame tonight.
Originally Posted by randy500
If that truck ever gets a VIN inspection by any state agency it will be a mess and probably confiscated until ownership is proven. They will only look at the vin plate and the frame numbers and it's obvious the vin plate has been removed which is big trouble (aluminum pop rivets). I would get as much paperwork from original owner and take it to your state agency and have he vin verified and get a replacement vin tag. If you do it now you still might be able to satisfy whatever the state wants to prove whatever it is, do it later when you try to sell it or if for some reason somebody questions the truck it might not be so easy