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Old 07-13-2017, 06:22 PM   #263
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Re: 1969 Custom/10 clean up

So the whole mat clear finish is long term, because the owner of the garage wants us to create some space so he can put some tractor parts. Well the GMC 100 won't be going anywhere, unless it's sold. and my C10 still needs some work. Initially I wanted to paint the bed sides as loose parts, but I can't seem to get the logistics and time scheduled. So I'm putting it back together and then spraying it whole.
I filled up the double plating with something like POR-15 and then took care of the area which I won't be able to reach once the bed is on.
then I primed the bed corner and rattle canned it blue.

using this pistol grip, really makes it so much easier!
Feedback is always welcome!
1969 Chevy C10
1950 GMC 100
1958 Chevy C60 Viking ratrod
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