Rpm/speed problem
Truck Sat for two years.
Ran great before it sat in my warehouse. A month ago, I decided to start using her again. Truck would not stay on at all during idle but ran fine as long as I had the gas pressed. Rebuilt the Carb (edelbrock 1406) and now she cranks, Idles and cruises fine. Since pulling her out of storage, I have done the following:
Oil and filter change. Carb rebuilt. All three fuel filters replaced, pcv valve replaced (it rattled during idle) .... and thats it.
Problem: truck cruises fine and picks up speed gradually. No problem hitting 80mph gradually. I can't get the RPM's to rev passed 2200 though. If I put the gas to the floor it only gradually picks up. She used to burn tires a couple years ago and now feels like I'm driving a station wagon.
I guess what I really want, is a point in the right direction. What should I check 1st?
Thanks in advance.