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Old 07-13-2017, 10:20 PM   #31
Snake Eyes USA
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Re: What truck do I have? For the Chevy Gods, Historians and Know it alls

Thanks 68.
Ha! Ive heard of Ins. companies not recognizing or renaming vehicles due to ignorance. But as long as its insured.

I understand you 90%. Some of what you said is foreign to me. But leads me in a direction to research and learn more. Thanks!
I assume BBC means Big Block Chevy and not Big Black....LOL.

Was the 400ci built to use tetraethyl leaded only or you think this is something my step Dad did after the fact?

And I already told myself. Chevron only. I love the stuff. Its always ran best on any car Ive had.

Did the truck come "posi-traction" or you think this was something step Dad did after the fact?

Time for some more research.

Originally Posted by '68OrangeSunshine View Post
C/1000? I dunno. Maybe it's a Canadian thing. Allstate can't wrap their computer system around the C/10 concept either. To them, it's a 'C/1'. As long as its insured I don't care.
BBCs tend to knock on low [87] octane. My 454 loved 91 octane*. AvGas LL 100 is 100 octane with no additives like ethanol, so it's pure hi test. Expensive, as I remember. Engines built for tetraethyl leaded fuel have valves that may get burnt by no-lead fuel. A lot of builders added Stellite valves when rebuilding older heads. If you use the lead substitute, you're OK.
*I had a '67 Suburban K/10 with a PO's added 454 BBC/NP205/TH350/12Bolt 3.73 Rear with Posi-Traction. It would only run well on Premium, except it was OK on Chevron Regular, but only Chevron.
The ''Two wheels spinning'' means it has a limited-slip differential. GM's trade name for that in this vintage was Posi-Traction. "Posi'' for short.
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