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Old 07-13-2017, 11:09 PM   #7
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Re: Upper Bedside Moulding Question

Thank you all for responding. This forum is a valuable tool and I will contribute to keep it going. Nice to know that like-minded people are willing to share.

Upon further research, looking through the different after market sites, it appears that originally the trim on the bedsides did come with spring clips. Only later, who knows when, they decided to replace the clips with plastic plates with tape and leaving only the ends for spring clips. One can only wonder why, but possible that the spring clips require a decent size hole to mount, that concern over water damage/rust issues were the culprit.

Randy, you were right about the spring clips. However, I must follow the advice of Mr. Chevyland and proceed with spring clips the whole way without the threaded nut. I believe this to be a better solution, as I have lost faith in adhesive products in this type of application.
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