Feel free to slap me. The tetraethyl got me on the leaded gas. My grandparents cars were leaded. Grandma was afraid of lead poisoning and always made the men or kids pump gas. lol
I was reading and people are swearing by Red Line Lead substitute. Should I consider using this? $25 a pop per tank fill. Will be pricey. Recommend a cheaper product?
680 your a beast in the garage. Wish I would have gotten in cars back then. My school had just cancelled shop class. I took all home ec. courses and the last course was going to be shop class and cancelled due to funding. I was pissed.
Originally Posted by '68OrangeSunshine
When these trucks were new, leaded gas was normal. "Regular'' meant leaded gas, Premium was also leaded. All automotive gasoline had tetra ethyl lead in it for an antiknock compound. Not til pressured by the environmental movement of the '70s did they start phasing out lead from gas. [Lead poisoning has been traced to mental retardation in smaller doses, also madness, and death in bigger ones. Remember Caligula, the crazy Roman Emperor? Romans used lead as a condiment and ate off lead utensils.]
First it was Lo Lead, then by 1999 any lead in pump gas was illegal, or not available.
There was an auto parts store additive called "Real Lead''. One quart bottle per 20 gallon tank and you were back in business like it was 1968. I used it once on a road trip in the 200,000 mile old 292 L6 in my '68 Stepside and got a ticket for speeding -- that engine ran so well, I didn't realize how fast I was really going. But they pulled that product, too.
''White Gas'' is gas w/o any additives including lead, for campstove, gas lantern use, where auto gas would be poisonous. Coleman fuel.
So, Yes, the 400 V8 was built for leaded gas, but they all were then.
BBC: disambiguation -- I first thought it was the British Broadcasting Company, but we've been using the Big Block abbreviation for 20 years or longer. I had to look up Urban Dictionary to get the other meaning. Ha Ha.
Posi: Might be listed on SPID if original. I forget the RPO code. I swapped in a whole '69 GMC Posi axle on my '68 C/10. I had a 12 Bolt rear end rebuilt with Moser axles and an Auburn posi on my '67 K/10 Sub, and my '71 GMC Jimmy 4x4 had factory posi when I bought it in 1995. So I've done it all 3 ways.