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Old 07-14-2017, 06:45 PM   #4
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Re: Stepvan - not pickup - but I need help!

well wish you were closer to nj because you need someone to dial this thing in.

1 first and foremost if you disconnect the battery and the engine dies then the alternator isn't working. that truck if original will have an external regulator wither that or the alternator or a bad connection in between will be causing it to not charge. that's probably what killed the last battery.

2 if you need to play with the choke and have stalling and flames out the carb or exhaust than its time for a rebuild on the carb. probably years or crud built up.

3 there are other things that need to be addressed like checking the points for proper setting and cleanliness. checking for vacuum leaks and overall compression on the motor. I have made many tired old motors run very well for many miles it just takes a person with patience experience and an ear for these old rigs.

4 the click you hear is the starter solenoid clicking. there may be a dead spot on the starter or you may have a bad ground or bad connection somewhere.

I hate to be negative but it really seems like you need a better trained set of eyes. if you were local I would come by and take a look but being so far away you are going to have to find someone who knows there stuff to look it over. and doing that on a slim budget is hard. I know this I am 25 and have been a wrench turner for years and have gone through the ups and downs of making a name in the business. I am still very small potato's but my clients are very happy and continue to come back.
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