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Old 07-14-2017, 10:15 PM   #43
Post Whore
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Re: What truck do I have? For the Chevy Gods, Historians and Know it alls

The lead in the gas was there to reduce valve seat wear. Since it was outlawed hardened valve seats were developed and now the lead is unnecessary. When cylinder heads are rebuilt nowadays hardened seats are generally an automatic upgrade on old heads. Worse case if they weren't installed you will erode the your valve seats over then next 20-50 thousand miles. Chevrolet and some fords were notorious for this issue in the seventies (Basically the cheaper cars).

And my two cents on your truck is NICE!
Thanks to Bob and Jeanie and everyone else at Superior Performance for all their great help.
RIP Bob Parks.
1967 Burban (the WMB),1988 S10 Blazer (the Stink10 II),1969 GTO (the Goat), 1970 Javelin, 1952 F2 Ford OHC six 4X4, 29 Model A, 72 Firebird (the DBP Bird). 85 Alfa Romeo
If it breaks I didn't want it in the first place
The WMB repair thread
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