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Old 07-15-2017, 03:13 AM   #45
Snake Eyes USA
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Re: What truck do I have? For the Chevy Gods, Historians and Know it alls

Hi Fellas,

From what he said the engine is original but chromed out show ready and of course hoses and what not replaced. Engine was not rebuilt. Once I get it tuned and detailed I will post details and nice pics of the truck. I will also get details from him. We had little time together and the matter at hand was getting import clearance and things that still need to be done to the truck. There is an issue with brakes most pressure going to the rear and may lock up. So I have the parts but need to take it in to get the work done. Some leaks from sitting for so long.
Step Dad had a lot of vehicles and toys. This truck was his last pride and joy project. Sucks he can't enjoy it. But we all know if that truck was with him in Mexico in show condition like it is. It would get ruined by the roads and stolen for the cartel or parted out. My mission is to keep it alive and well for years to come.
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