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Old 07-18-2017, 12:58 AM   #68
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Re: 1981 K20 Project - The Blue Ox

The Blue Ox is finally back to being blue! A couple different shades of blue, but none the less, its all blue again lol. Painting the doors went smoothly, I haven't jammed them yet but for now I'm happy. I've been using the truck around my home town, venturing further and further out each time. Last Saturday I was cruising into town in the Ox when all of the sudden.... I lost power. So I pulled off to the side of the road and coasted to a stop. All my lights were still on but the engine stopped firing completely. My first thought was a bad ICM, it felt like it lost all spark suddenly. I knew I had gas in the tank, but after a little tinkering on the side of the road I figured out the gas was't getting to the carb. After we towed it home (thankfully only 1 mile) with a 4 wheeler I was able to find the problem. The filter in my carb has a little rubber plunger with a spring inside. This is where the gas flows into the filter I'm assuming....anyway, that little plunger was stuck shut. I poked it with a screwdriver and broke it loose. Gave it a good once over and put it back in, turned the key and she fired right up! So as of now... I'm back on the road!
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