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Old 07-19-2017, 07:06 PM   #12
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Re: Truck requires two ignition turns to start

Originally Posted by 1SG.Rob View Post
Pump the gas pedal twice, and then just hold it a bit down with your foot while you turn the key. I've only had it since early June, it's prob around 55 when I start it in the morning to go to work. Maybe when colder temps come it will be a lot harder to start.
This truck has no cold starting issues. Even when it's real cold. The issue is when it's warm.

Originally Posted by paul blair View Post
Try this, might help. Cold engine remove air cleaner, loosen three screws on choke housing, rotate housing till the choke valves just start to open and back till they just close and tighten 3 screws. The electric choke is set to open quicker. Run engine up to operating temp, make sure choke is open, then slowly turn mixture screws in one at a time until the rpms drop and then back out 1/2 turn or so till rpms increase, lean mixture! rich mixture back screws out until engine runs rough then back in, rich idle mixture. I think at your altitude it should be on the lean side. Good Luck
I'll give it a shot. Nice description, thank you.

Originally Posted by geezer#99 View Post
Your timing has a lot to do with it!
What's your initial timing?
Don't know. The guy who installed the carb. was the last to adjust it. I'll have to check it out. From what I've read 10 degrees advanced is about right. Seems my 71 was set at 10+.

Appreciate the help

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit

Last edited by 71CHEVYSHORTBED402; 07-19-2017 at 07:17 PM.
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