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Old 04-13-2004, 11:22 AM   #1
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thinking of selling my p/u

I was wondering what my truck was worth?
It started out as a 1969 chevy stepside with a 292 3 speed on the tree. Now it has a 350sb and 700r4. I also changed the cab and bed.
I went to Kentucky for the cab, fenders,doors, and grill.(very solid all!) I bought what looks like a 1967 bed (no marker lights in the fenders) from a local guy. Theres no p/s or p/b just your standard p/u. The reason Im asking is the wife wants to buy a house. I dont know if i want to sell it yet, but was wondering what the market value was for a non original old truck was!!!!!!

thanks for the info steppside69
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