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Old 07-22-2017, 08:41 AM   #1
Mr Handy
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Spring Hill, Florida
Posts: 465
70 longbed build update.

Like a lot of members I have been working on my truck for a few years doing what I can afford and keeping it on the road and enjoying it.

This year I decided it was time to tackle rust repair on the cab and ended up pulling the cab on memorial day weekend.

I hope to have everything back together and up and running by the end of Memorial day weekend.
So far the cab has had the rust repaired, paint stripped (had between 3 and 5 different paint jobs on it depending on where you looked) Epoxy primer, body work, and Single stage paint, I am currently working on wet sand and buff. I'm very happy with how things are looking considering this is my first go at major repair and a full paint job.

an upgrade that I have that I absolutely cannot wait for is the Vintage air system I have waiting to put in. I also have a new wiring harness, dash pad, arm rests, and most of all, all new weatherstripping!

I also decided to go with Lizard skin for sound deadening and insulation and sprayed the inset in the roof with the stuff. I think it turned out really good, and if it does what it is supposed to it should make a big difference in the Florida heat. of coarse the floors are coated inside and out so I hopefully will be keeping all the engine and road noise and heat out of the cab as well.

enough chit chat, here are some pictures.
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