Thread: 700r4 swap
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Old 07-22-2017, 10:52 PM   #9
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Re: 700r4 swap

I have done quite a few 700R4 swaps, even have one behind a healthy 5.3L. Regardless of what linkage system you use, make sure that before you drive the truck you use a pressure gauge to confirm the set-up. There is a 1/8 NPT port on the driver's side, easy access. I have added to another thread or two around here that has the charts of pressures in park, neutral, forward gears and reverse. Basically you want to make sure that when the throttle moves, line pressure is instant. You will want a couple of psi at idle. Where people go wrong is setting up by feel, and they don't realize that line pressure isn't raising until part throttle, or is too high at idle etc...burns em up.
'86 GMC C30 Crew ~ '86 C20 Crew ~ '79 K15 Sierra Grande ~ '76 Blazer 2wd ~ '74K10 ~ '71 Cheyenne swb ~'50 3100 bagged ~ '80 Wife ~ Late model kids
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