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Old 07-23-2017, 02:26 AM   #5
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Re: 1967 -1972 front bumper fog lights.

Originally Posted by '68OrangeSunshine View Post
I had a similar idea to use a '72 bumper with fog lights on my '68 C/10. I found out the '71-'72 support brackets were different from thw '67-'68s. A friend who had a chrome shop, traded me the '72 bumper for a chromed '68 bumper and his shop guys cut out square holes for my lights. Then I had a machinist make up some aluminum cones with an angle cut so I could mount my fog lights from a small hole in the bottom of the bumper.
Ran them on my '68 C/10 until the bumper got tweaked in a fender-bender.
A few years later, I straightened out the bumper [and fogs] and mounted on my '67 K/10 Suburban. Looked cool. Worked great until I was on a ski trip, and had everything on -- heater, fan, defroster, wipers. lights, stereo, CB, cop scanner, and foglights and wondered why my battery was going flat. I needed a bigger amped alternator to pull loads like that.
For limited duration, with fewer accessories on, it worked OK.
It's a cool gag. I had fun with it.

I hear ya yeah I think it will work good on mine since it is a 71 truck the bumper should work fine. I was just worried the lights in that place would look a little off and wanted to see some examples and I like to learn from others rather than spending the money and not being happy. But sounds like you like the look. I should be able to pick up the bumper for $50 so not too much to lose.
Luke ( In God We Trust )
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