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Old 07-24-2017, 03:48 PM   #4
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Re: Denied 1 Piece Driveshaft

Doing a 1 piece in that length runs into several issues and variables. One being tube flex as you know. Another...... yeah it's possible if you increase tube diameter to at least 3.5''----4'' would be preferred. Issue being with a 4'' tube is clearance for one, and another the amount of weight hanging on the tail shaft bushing in the trans if it is a slip yoke. A turbo 350 or 700 the bushing wouldn't last long. A turbo 400 would last longer but eventually prematurely wear out, thus creating a leak. Fixed yoke on a 400 or manual. Manual may be ok since the majority of them have a bearing (still have to deal with the diameter). 400 fixed yoke, pretty much the same thing with even more weight due to the slip yoke assy in the driveline

What application? rear diff, trans, engine and HP

Last edited by kwmech; 07-24-2017 at 03:58 PM.
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