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Old 07-25-2017, 05:01 AM   #25
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Re: radiator purchase help I6 292

Originally Posted by In The Ten Ring View Post
Guy told me mine would have to be recored, not just patched. Yours might not have been as bad as mine.
Also only a heater core, not a whole radiator. Maybe about 1/10th the size.

Want to hear the worst part? I had a NIB copper/brass heater core. I swapped it in, but used pointy drywall screws in mounting it. Guess what? Yes I screwed it up myself, and my ''new'' core started dripping as soon as I added coolant to the system. So I took the old heater core, which had been on the truck since I replaced it in 1998, and had the guy resolder the tank. When I pulled it apart to replace it again I found my pin hole. Doh!
Anyway it's all back together now and running cool, heatwer and defroster are hot, so it's all good. I could have the guy solder up my pinhole, but it's guaranteed for one year, and if I have it done, the core would be off warranty by the time I need it.
On the re-install, I used long #6 screws with a nut, making mounting studs instead of screws. Little tricky to get back in -- had to shorten the narrow-end studs, but it worked. [Pic]
Good news is that I had an OEM Harrison AC heater core in a box, stored in my '67 Suburban [which I use for storage of Chevy Truck parts.] I had forgotten all about it. My '71 Jimmy has production AC, which is another project.
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Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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