Originally Posted by In The Ten Ring
Guy told me mine would have to be recored, not just patched. Yours might not have been as bad as mine.
Also only a heater core, not a whole radiator. Maybe about 1/10th the size.
Want to hear the worst part? I had a NIB copper/brass heater core. I swapped it in, but used pointy drywall screws in mounting it. Guess what? Yes I screwed it up myself, and my ''new'' core started dripping as soon as I added coolant to the system. So I took the old heater core, which had been on the truck since I replaced it in 1998, and had the guy resolder the tank. When I pulled it apart to replace it again I found my pin hole. Doh!
Anyway it's all back together now and running cool, heatwer and defroster are hot, so it's all good. I could have the guy solder up my pinhole, but it's guaranteed for one year, and if I have it done, the core would be off warranty by the time I need it.
On the re-install, I used long #6 screws with a nut, making mounting studs instead of screws. Little tricky to get back in -- had to shorten the narrow-end studs, but it worked. [Pic]
Good news is that I had an OEM Harrison AC heater core in a box, stored in my '67 Suburban [which I use for storage of Chevy Truck parts.] I had forgotten all about it. My '71 Jimmy has production AC, which is another project.