post up your camping pics
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07-29-2017, 03:30 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: back 40, bc
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Re: post up your camping pics
like i said, had some weird things happen. while i was off dicking around on my quad, my wife had a visitor at our campsite. a floatplane came down and landed right in front of her and my son. she could'nt take any pictures, cause i had the camera, but she did have her old sony handycam and made a vid of him taking off and leaving. as her sony is at least 7 yrs old (vids on there i had never seen, from 7 yrs we have to figure out how to get it on the computer first, then i can show it
why did he land? was going around the backcountry warning everyone to clear out because of a forest fire. with only one way in and one way out, we took his advice and headed out. started getting smoky, puts a little fire (bad pun...) in your rear when you start smelling it too
clearing outta there
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