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Old 08-02-2017, 12:07 PM   #9
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Re: Need Help: 350 TBI Running Rich/Bogging

Originally Posted by CSHADES View Post
The first thing I would check on this before throwing more parts at it is the actual vacuum reading. Do you have 18 inches of vacuum at idle or at least close to that and what is the reading at about 2500 rpm? The MAP sensor is one of the main inputs as far as fuel delivery on these old obd1 systems, the ecm will ignore the o2 sensor readings if it thinks you are under a heavy load/low vacuum situation i.e. wot or close. If the vacuum is low I would look at either a timing chain problem or maybe a outer ring slippage on the balancer that make the timing look correct when it isn't.
Sounds good. Guess I'll have to pick up a vacuum gauge and see what the deal is.

Originally Posted by DieselSJ View Post
You think 10mpg is bad for that truck? A 1-ton 4 wheel drive dump truck? That is a lot of truck for a stock TBI 350. You really won't do much better than 9-10.

OK, with the engine running, point your timing light at the bottom of the injectors. You should see a nice even cone pattern with no dripping. Also, reman injectors for those are garbage. For not much more $$ you can get new. Also are you sure you got injectors for a small block and not for a big block? It is easy to screw up the o-rings around the injectors and they will leak.

You said fuel pressure is "good". What is the actual PSI and where did you measure it?

Check engine light on? Failed sensor will almost always trip a CEL. If you are as rich as you say then it should trigger a CEL for that.

Make sure you got the correct EGR. I know for my 87 there are 2 versions and they operate differently and they are not interchangeable.

No, I'm not worried about the MPG here. I don't mind getting 9-10 I just want my "umf" back!

I will have to check the injector spray again with the timing light. I remember doing that before and seeing the cone, just need to look for the dripping.

How can I tell the difference between injectors?

Well, stupid assumption on my part... I'm just assuming it's good because it runs the same on either tank (has saddle tanks). And the pumps were replaced about 4-5 years ago. I should pickup a gauge though.

Negetory in the check engine light. I tried plugging in the code reader too and it won't read anything on the computer.

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