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Old 08-05-2017, 04:34 PM   #80
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Re: Silverado restoration in Finland

Originally Posted by LT7A View Post
I just got caught up on your build. You guys are doing a great job. Very thorough. You asked me if I knew a good source for the cab bolts. I'm sorry I don't. When I need bolts I try to match them from a local supplier with standard high-strength bolts. I would think that Brothers, LMC, goodmark, or people like that would have those cab bolts. You could also post in this forum for general questions. Also you asked for pictures that show the engine compartment and underneath the truck, the chassis. The best way to find pictures would be to search the internet. But I think that the people on here could answer any question you had about what colors should be used for engine area and chassis. There's a guy on here named Joe Yezzi (I can't remember his screen name) who does very detailed work that might give you some ideas.
Thank you very much LT7A!
The cab bolts was now done, but thanks for your information. I have tried to search the internet but I have not quite found the original photos from the truck. I have to try to ask again about this site.
This guy who name is Joe Yezzi, is he here some car project what he has built, or how can I get him information about this truck? I would like the car to look like it would come from the factory ...
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