Thread: Hubcap options
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Old 08-09-2017, 08:58 AM   #2
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Re: Hubcap options

In my opinion, your best option is to stick with the stock caps for the year truck you have when doing large diameter steel wheels. I have transport wheels and am running the stock caps on my '68. You can usually find a set floating around in the classifieds here. For clips, I used the Mobsteel cap clips. They are decent, but not great. You really have to get them right or else your caps are going to fly off (ask me how I know). There is a guy on instagram that sells clips called #capclips that are much nicer, but they cost 2x as much as the Mobsteel ones. And don't even bother with the Brazilian VW clips. I had a set left over from my bug build and they are garbage.

Builds: Green Gus the 68 C10 | Bluey the 72 1500 | Lowly the 70 C10
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