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Old 08-10-2017, 07:05 PM   #3
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Re: Anyone replace the emergency brake pull handle with a foot operated one?

I also am going to install a foot operated Emergency Brake BUT I'm taking it a little step further. I'm' going to install one from a mid 70's Cadillac. Why? Because on a Cadillac once the car is running & you drop it into Park or Reverse the parking brake releases automatically. It uses a vacuum source to release the parking brake via a Cadillac neutral safety switch which fits our trucks perfectly. You can NEVER forget to release the emergency brake because it's automatically done for you. Now say you want the truck in gear, engine running to say set the idle speed in Drive - After the brake releases with the truck in Drive if you stomp the parking brake pedal again it will stay, holding the emergency brake engaged.

I found this out the hard way when I attempted an Emergency Brake U turn going 50 MPH in my 71 Caddy Hearse. I thought WOW this would be COOL! No need to hold the Parking Brake release handle while mashing the Emergency Brake pedal, just mash the E Brake pedal, with a quick cut of the steering wheel, instant U turn, mash back down on the gas pedal and you're back on your merry way only going in the opposite direction in just a split second. WRONG! The Emergency Brake pedal stayed engaged & sliding backwards with the rear wheels LOCKED at 50 MPH in a 22' long 6,680 LB Hearse. I had to clean up after myself with a putty knife once the coach came to a stop and now my 2 rear tires had BAD flat spots in them. That's the last time I pulled an Emergency Brake U turn in a Cadillac.

If you go the Cadillac route make sure you also get the special U clamp that goes with the Neutral Safety Switch that's a must.
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