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Old 08-18-2017, 07:42 PM   #5
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Re: 58 modified which radiator hoses?

Originally Posted by Rude Dude View Post
I use a flexible aluminum air duct that's close in size from hardware store to mimic the radiator hose. I bend it to the shape that's required then tape outside of duct to keep shape run to auto parts store to compare correct size and diameter OD radiator hose. Funny but it works
Rude Dude is exactly correct, i wish I had thought of that, but I made up a mock up of various towel and toilet paper rolls, (my wife still doesn't know where all that paper had gone to), and although it wasn't smooth in shape, it worked at the local NAPA store. of course they asked about the amount of paper I had wasted, but that's for another story. Watch out for the mysterious question you'll be asked: uhhhh sir, what is the year of truck and motor size you are using? duhhhhh
1940 Ford Dlx Coupe
1969 Mach1
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