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Old 08-19-2017, 06:41 PM   #279
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Re: 1941 project fenix

done with carpet and seats
IMG_6796 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

got the little filler pieces put in the tubs, tacked then glued. got the running boards bolted to the fender, they line up perfectly with the cab, the bed, and the frame. all that measuring wasnt a lost cause!
IMG_6797 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
IMG_6799 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

here is the difference between a 41 1/2 ton and a longbed s10 wheelbase. I plan to just slice the running board right there and add the material required.
IMG_6802 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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