Originally Posted by PGSigns
In that picture the entire truck looks out of square. All the cross members should be square with the frame except the one behind the rear axle. Is the drive shaft thingy the center support bearing?
Its all square, except the one behind the axle. I triple checked everything.
Cross ways, up and down etc. The picture is playing with the eye on this one.
Everything was with in 1/4 inch or less with my tape measurement. I figured 1/4 inch was executable for 51 year old frame.
But you got me wondering so I went out and remeasured again. No more than 5/8 diff. Just in the back part so maybe a very slight bend the one way.
The frame is going in to be straightened so they should be able to double check that and bend it back.
I have never dealt with a bent frame. I have been told its all repairable. Im hoping thats true.