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Old 05-28-2002, 12:54 AM   #1
Patrick Sullivan
Transcendental Trucker
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Rockaway Beach, OR
Posts: 374
Two questions about automatic column shifter..

1) When trying to put it into park, the shifter just won't go. It goes into every other gear easily, but park is a no-go unless you really put some force into it. If I push on the left side of the part of the column that turns with the shifter, it goes into park just fine. I oiled it up, made no difference. There's no problem at the tranny, all gears are fine down there - so I assume it is a column problem. Is there some kind of adjustment I can make?

2) Does anyone make replacement knobs for these things? Mine broke off, and I miss it..

Patrick Sullivan |
Rockaway Beach, Oregon
1972 Chevy Cheyenne C-20
1998 Dodge Dakota 4x4

So, fill to me the parting glass
And drink a health whate'er befalls...
Then gently rise and softly call
Goodnight and joy be to you all!
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