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Old 08-26-2017, 06:03 PM   #7
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Re: guaranteed carburetors

Okay, went through all ten pages of the first link and saw how many pages of the second link and backed out. Thanks for the offer of help it's just I need specific information on a particular company. My truck is not a race car, more like Farm Equipment. I just want it to run properly and not stall out with a big travel trailer behind or worse, the horse trailer. No squealing tires here, sure as hell hope no squealing tranny either!! My old man works for a living. So performance info. is largely wasted on me. Particularly since all that fancy gear is expensive and I can't afford it (I'd rather spend the money on my Spartan and horse, not necessarily in that order).

Thanks to whomever moved the thread. I didn't know I was in the wrong place.

Thanks also to those whom have answered so far.

Well, time's up and I have to get back to laying that floor.
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