Re: dog seat belts
I think the set up you have should do ok ,but it has been shown that the best protection would be an approved airline Dog Crate,
Myself and my dog were involved in a devistating crash ,we were stoped at the bottom of a hill waiting for a car to go by so I could make a left hand turn on to my street.
this is a 2 lane major road speed limit 50 mph , a ford f350 going at least 50 MPH rear ended me and my dog in a little 99 2 wheel drive dodge dakota
He never even applied the brakes he sent me head on in to the on comming car I was waiting on to make my left turn , he hit me with such great force he completly ripped my bed off sending it over my cab and I totaled out the on coming car in a head on collsion
He continued on in the ford about 800 feet flipping over in to a ditch on side of the road , I am almost certain he was texting on his phone , because of the clear line of site he had while traving down the hill, But he claimed it was his dog that jumped in his lap that caused the accident, Sorry for the long story but I say all of this to say that both Dogs, his and my Dog where just fine with no injuries.