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Old 08-30-2017, 09:22 AM   #22
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Re: 1952 GMC "Demon Speeding" Project

Originally Posted by paulspickupparts View Post
I believe what has happened is someone used a 71 Chevy and up pickup crossmember which need to have the crossmember narrorwed or spacers on the outside of the stock frame . In this case it appears someone cut the stock front crossmember and pushed the frame rails out to meet it. Thus the gap in the stock front cross member. In theory its not a bad idea if it had been done correctly .
Ahhh... ok. But man that sure seems like a lot of extra work. Wouldn't you have to redo the cab, bed & running board mounts to get everything to line up?
Robert C.

1950 3600
3600 re-do, shortening it up

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