Re: 87 R10 stalls immediately after starting
The saga continues...
Installed a new fuel tank, sender, and fuel pump, and a 2nd new fuel filter. Blew out line from carb back. Confirmed pump is running. Same thing. Cuts off after 2 seconds. Not much else to replace. We even bypassed the fuel tank selector and took a line direct from the tank to the fuel filter. No change.
All I can guess is some stupid wiring issue. When I bought the truck, you can tell the wiring had been worked on here and there. There was one group of wires going directly into the TBI carb base from the front. It had been cut and each wire was taped up with electrical tape. It looked terrible so I put a plastic loom over it to conceal it. I am starting to wonder if somehow I had detached one of the wires (under the electrical tape) while putting the loom over it?? There is about 5 or 6 wires in this group. I'm checking this morning. I had a NASCAR driver and a long time mechanic help me with it for 4 hours yesterday, to no avail.
Any new thoughts from anybody??