Originally Posted by P7M89MM
Thanks. My sister actually offered a spot in her 4 car garage but I just don't like the idea of it. I had to look back in this thread to see what pic I had uploaded. I've made a few changes since getting it back then...
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Let me guess, she has kids and their bikes are in the garage. Yeah I'd be hesitant too with that truck! It's too nice and kids are kids. Everyone I know with classics that have kids going in and out their multi car garage uses plywood to create a barricade along the side of their classic. Granted it's their own garage so they can do whatever they want as far as framing for the plywood barricade. But maybe you'll want to come up with a barricade that has bracing you drive over to hold it up, like those signs they use at car shows but with plywood connecting them. Just a thought.