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Old 09-04-2017, 10:05 PM   #669
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Re: post up your camping pics

any rail buffs?
there used to be a railroad (Kettle Valley Railway) running up through the Coquihalla, from pioneer days till around '59 or '60 i belive. was just too expensive and tough to keep open, slides everywhere constantly and immense snows, plus a "easier" route threw the Fraser Canyon. there is quite a bit of the old railbed left up here, which is used by atv'ers, sledders, hikers, bikers. it passes through some beautiful country, quite a bit of what i have posted is off the KVR.
me and the kid went for a short but sharp hike to the Ladner creek train bridge today. from the bridge down to Hope has got some of the best features. There is the Othello tunnels, 5 tunnels blasted right threw the mountains with 5 bridges between them over the Coquihalla Canyon, very impressive area. been there many times, we went there today, but there was like 7 or 8 chinese tour buses with about 2 bajillion chinese everywhere....
Rambo First Blood was filmed here, where Stallone launches himself off the cliff

cool old film of one of the last trains to run the KVR. Ladner bridge looks much better
it starts not too far from my house at Ruby Creek

also found some old web pics of the Ladner bridge. old school, what safety lines...
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