Hello everyone.
I'm having trouble deciphering a few RPO codes on my 1980 1 ton K30.
Cab and chassis truck, ex airport fire that I've acquired.
The RPO came with a list, however no description and I would like to get a new one (or a copy) printed out in it's place and preserve the original.
Who may I get in contact with that makes copies of RPO sheets and door/vin, gvwr, tire stickers?
(That one is long gone unfortunately)
I have most of them decoded but I'd like a bit of assistance with the XUH, YUH and ZUH
As well as the bottom two.
Is like to include that the truck has NO cigar lighter and NO am/fm radio.
I found similar rpos ZUE.. 9.5x16.5 - Tubeless
And on another sheet
4001YC "special paint"
Any help would be great, please don't link me to a decoder site, been there many times.
Also, exact wording on the rpo description would be wonderful for a re-print.
Thank you.