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Old 09-11-2017, 01:49 PM   #33
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Re: Ridetech 4-Link Coil-Over Install

After the upper coil over mount was installed, we began putting on the lower control arms.

It is hard to tell in the picture but the control arms are labeled for their correct side and the lower ball joints and cross shafts are already installed when you get the components.

Using the factory control arm u-bolts, we installed the lower arms to the frame. The Delrin bushings in the StrongArms allow the piece to move freely up and down (reducing stiction and noise) even when the u-bolts have been torqued down.

Be sure to pay attention to the instructions when you install the arms. Indexing holes have been machined into the lower cross shafts so that you properly locate the arm during installation. These indexing holes will ensure that the wheel and tire are centered in the wheel well.

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John J.
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