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Old 09-21-2017, 12:10 PM   #110
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Re: 283 and a Slight Hop Up

Originally Posted by James903 View Post
Just curious about heads for a 283. I still have the original 283 in my truck and it has surprisingly really good compression. I've considered leaving it in and putting a different cam, intake, and carb. I've heard people using 305 heads and I was wondering if I could use a set of 1.94s I have off of a 350 on it? They have newer valve guides. I've heard old 283 heads don't handle the newer fuel that well. I don't know the casting # off hand. I also have a set of double hump 2.02 heads, but I figure they would be better on a 350. My guess is I could use them but the compression will be different??
The 283 likes the 194 valves.
The seats are hardened on the newer heads for the unleaded fuel.
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