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Old 09-24-2017, 11:38 AM   #9
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Location: Vinton, Va.
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Re: Another What's it Worth Thread

A lot of the "value" is related to WHERE you are located. A swb original (that's a moving target since not many at all are truly "original" - you'd have to define that, or give your own definition, to get everyone on the same page) running truck in average condition on the east coast is anywhere from 10-20 grand, depending how nice it is. No way are they low 20's all day long ,not around here anyway. They are just very common. There was just a 69 4x4 running truck in my area that he couldn't give away for 2K!!!! It was very rough ,but running. ( very good bed by the way) This truck you are looking at is not an original one but has had a ton of money put into it. The body though, looks like it hasn't been touched. So add the body work money to make it as nice as the drivetrain, and top out the total price at around 20-25K , and that is what this one is worth, IMO. These trucks even "cherry" do not bring big bucks. It's gotta be an all around GREAT truck to be worth 25K.
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