Thread: First Drive...
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Old 09-24-2017, 09:31 PM   #1
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First Drive...

OK. So, I started this build about a year and a half ago. New frame, suspension, cab floor, fenders, front end, complete bed, engine and trans... You name it.

Took it to the alignment shop Saturday. They spent about 4 hours setting everything up to specifications from the frame vendor. Was able to actually drive it for the first time Saturday, and had to get it out again Sunday... Yes, no glass and only about 4 pieces of wood in the bed, but I was so excited to actually drive it under it's own power. Very exciting for me... No pix of me actually behind the wheel, but with exhaust ending at the mufflers, the whole neighborhood at least heard it go around the block...

Anyway, thanks for sharing my excitement!
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