Originally Posted by special-K
Ok, good. I'll get a shipping cost... before too long.
But then, why hurry, right?

Just so you all know, Prairiewolf and me just couldn't come to an agreement on the pair. We arm wrestled, tug off war, all sorts of ways to settle this, even held our own makeshift congressional hearing type of thing (Oh the agony...the pain!). But nope, no good nada zip. Till finally, that is, just yesterday when he did agree to not buy these. It seemed like he was the only one on the planet making me sell them, so now I think I'm going to pull the vinyl (save that for something creative), strip the glue, and restore them as base metal panels.
The Black Driver side is still for sale................ $30
The Red Passenger side................................. $25
The Red pair are still for sale...........................$30
Now $20
................................................................................. Plus shipping